And so it begins..

Let me be the first to say I have no idea what I’m doing. The world of Loam has been bouncing around in my head for about five years at this point. As most Game Masters do, I hit a wall about five years ago. I was done trying to scrape together enough people to run a one shot, I couldn’t get everyones schedules to line up, and I was done with player drama. But most importantly, I wasn’t having fun. I wasn’t prepping for the game like i should, I ran each session off the cuff, and usually had to stop and spent 30 minutes looking for the monster stats I needed. I was not being a good GM.

So I stopped, for about two weeks. Then my brain started churning out ideas, at home, at work, at 3am, didnt matter the time I’d get an idea that was great but no game to put it in. So I wrote it down. I started with scraps of paper, then the notepad on my phone, to finally arranging it all in Microsoft OneNote. That worked for a while, just writing stuff down, but eventually i started connecting things. If this happened then it would effect this other thing.. so I knew I had to do something else. So I created a world in the back of my mind. I had the history, the major events, the world powers, the origins of all the species, everything idea i had went into this world. Some things got tweeked, somethings got put away because they wouldn’t fit, but this world lived in my head.

That lasted me about two years, all that time I was planning and listening to other podcasts. I played in a few games but nothing that ever stuck. I dont remember what made me decide i wanted to create a podcast, It may have been ego, “Well I can run a game better than this..” Or inspiration, “If they can make a podcast, so can I!“ Or maybe just me needing an excuse to GM again. Either way i started a game with the intent to record it and put it out there. and that lasted 6 sessions… I didnt have the right equipment or the right mind frame. So we stopped. about two months later I tried again, and that is what you are hearing. Audio recorded over two years ago, finally edited and put up for you to listen to.

I hope you enjoy this story, its made with love and a lot of care, but if you don’t I understand. I would just ask that you give us a chance, and if you have the time shoot me a message on any of our social media or email.


Episode 1